Mediums serve as conduits with the afterlife, using my intuitive abilities to facilitate communication and bring comfort, closure, or spiritual guidance to individuals seeking connection with loved ones who have passed on. In this transformative process, it is essential to maintain an open-minded perspective, as my channel may receive messages from spirits beyond the specific person you are seeking to reach. Embracing this journey with an open heart is crucial as we work together to assemble the pieces of the spiritual puzzle.
I refer to this process as an 80% to 20% likelihood, where 80% of the time, I will convey messages that you can readily comprehend. However, in 20% of cases, the messages may require some additional contemplation and research on your part following the reading. It is not uncommon for me to receive messages intended for living individuals who are a part of your life, and these messages can offer valuable insights and guidance.
This type of reading can be conducted over the phone, via Zoom conference, or in person. While a photo of your passed loved one is suggested for better connection, it is not required.